Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I'm thankful for my wonderful family, for my gorgeous daughter and my amazing husband. I'm thankful for my mother and my step-father being able to make it here to spend Thanksgiving with us and meet their gorgeous granddaughter. I'm thankful for the health of my family, and thankful for the fact that my gallbladder pain went away today. I'm thankful for this gorgeous new place we have, and thankful that we have such wonderful friends.

I'm thankful for the food I have to eat, thankful for the cat I have to snuggle my feet, thankful for the fact that I'm an American, thankful for the troops that have fought so hard and given so much to guarantee my freedom.

I'm thankful for the family we have, and that we can all get together tomorrow and eat dinner, that we can enjoy our time together. I'm thankful for my sister in law coming back safe and sound from her time overseas in the Peace Corps, and for her being able to meet her niece and spend Thanksgiving with her family.

I'm thankful.

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